Surpreet Kaur
What attracted you to Coventry University and the course you chose to study?
Coventry University was located close to a train station and easy to commute to from where I live and as I did not want to stay out in halls during my university life, Coventry University seemed like the best choice.
What were the highlights of your course?
The lecturers were the highlights. They shared your successes and sorrows. Available for help 24/7 and always ensured they pushed you to achieve your best. I would not have got where I am today without many of the lecturers.
How did studying at Coventry University equip you with the skills you need for your career?
Danny Ryan was the lecturer of my very first lecture. Debits and credits were the topic. To this day I still rely upon what I learnt in that very lecture! The great thing is that the information I learnt in every lecture, I use in my day to day job and have built upon.
Describe what you do and what you find most enjoyable about your job.
I am a chartered accountant working for KPMG, the Swiss Cooperative and I now specialise within public sector audit. I am in different locations (abroad and within the UK) seeing different clients every week. A desk job does not suit such a fidgety person like myself. I now get to see places I never would have had time for and work doing a role where every day is different.
What attracted you to working in the sector you now work in?
After leaving Coventry University I contracted within accounting roles for a year or so. I experienced many different sectors such as accounts payable, small practice accounts, and charity accounts. After this I decided to tick audit of the list and it happened to be the most enjoyable. Within public sector, we are auditing where tax payers money is going, which effectively is your money. It also includes access to all the buildings you wouldn’t normally!
What is your happiest memory of your time at Coventry University?
Receiving my dissertation marks (a first)!
What would you say to a student thinking of studying here and why?
Pick all the modules that are ACCA/CIMA (dependent on the route they want to go) exempted, therefore meaning once you graduate you need only a few exams to do to become chartered. I became chartered in one year thanks to Coventry University! But it’s also important to enjoy university life as its 9am starts after that!