Emma Newitt
BA Dance Making and Performance (2014)
Marketing assistant and UK culture blogger


What attracted you to Coventry University and the course you chose to study?

If I’m honest I wanted to attend a university which wasn’t far from my hometown of Leicester, but also the opportunity to have a bit of independence. I chose dance because I was curious in developing my skills as well as taking on some great professional opportunities during the course to support my future career.

What were the highlights of your course?

I loved three aspects of my course particularly. The first is the second year performance project working alongside some professional choreographers to create a piece. It gave me an insight into a professional capacity that I found really interesting. The second one was my final major project where I interned at People Dancing and learnt some skills that have benefited me massively now, as well as having contacts I’m still in touch with. Thirdly it was the addition of blogging through University, we started it as one of our assignments in first year and it’s still a huge part of what I do on a daily basis.

How did studying at Coventry University equip you with the skills you need for your career?

I feel as those it gave me the confidence to approach and network with new people, sometimes what could be a really challenging situation I’ve always felt so calm about since Coventry University. It’s also gave me some knowledge of the dance sector that really benefits me when I’m out reviewing performances or writing up news releases for upcoming productions too.

Describe what you do and what you find most enjoyable about your job.

So now I combine my time between being a marketing assistant for a wedding entertainment company and a well-established UK culture blogger. I love the variety I now have in my career, one day I’ll be writing up a blog post about weddings and the next day I’ll be reviewing a performance at Birmingham Hippodrome. I love how connected I have established myself within the arts industry across the East and Midlands, I hope to continue building that over the next year.

What attracted you to working in the sector you now work in?

I was really growing an interest in marketing after marketing my own blog for over 3 years. I wanted to get some experience in a professional capacity in order for me to have a shot at positions like the one I’m in now in an arts industry environment. It’s always about experience so I hope I am beginning to create more of that for myself now which is important in any kind of industry.

What is your happiest memory of your time at Coventry University?

I have many, but one in particular is when we were performing our second year project instalment piece. It was very tough to keep ‘composed’ while someone in the audience was shifting along the floor.

What would you say to a student thinking of studying here and why?

I would say to definitely consider all of your options. I definitely do not think I took the most out of the opportunities offered to me at Coventry University, in particular with societies and extracurricular activities that they had available. I would urge people to definitely getting involved in something! Also make sure you ask all the questions you need to in making your decision to study at university. Coventry is a really fab city, with a great University and I love coming back to see shows at the Belgrade Theatre so that I can continue to feel inspired by the city that helped me grow into the person I am.